21 research outputs found

    Multimedia courseware of road safety education for secondary school students

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    Cases of accidents involving children keep increasing from time to time.According to the statistic from Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) has showed that the road accidents which involved the children reveal a significantly high degree of fatalities and injuries.In order to decrease the risk of accident involving children, an initiative to develop a courseware application about road safety have been taken as a precaution step to help children protect their safety on road.This paper will discuss about the multimedia implementation in developing learning courseware to introduce basic road safety knowledge for students within the age 12 to 17 years old.For implementation process, the Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach has been selected as the methodology to develop the courseware.Basically the methodology divided into four phases which are requirement planning, user design, rapid construction, and transition.After development process, a survey was conducted in SMK Mergong which located at Alor Setar in order to get feedback from the student in term of the impacts while using the courseware.From the survey, it showed that the courseware application really help the students to get clearunderstanding about road safety.The use of picture, audio and video in the courseware also become interactive and particularly suitable for level of student’s understanding

    Prototype of molecular biology courseware for inclusive education system: An instructional interface

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    This paper provides a research approach in developing an e-learning environment for inclusive learners.By capturing and modelling the multimedia 3-D knowledge into an instructional interface for teaching and assessing Molecular Biology Courseware for student in inclusive learning environment.The research proposed and developed a Conceptual Design Model for Courseware for Inclusive Education System, called C4IES. The experimental result conducted from the subject experts using the proposed prototype has demonstrated a great potential. Where, out of 10 experts 90% agreed that the proposed Multimedia environment has demonstrated a high usability in enhancing molecular concept (DNA) and practical skills of student in self learning practicing the laboratory task while away from on-campus environment. This could also be as guidance for the developer or anyone who intent to develop courseware for inclusive environment

    Instructional design principles for developing a courseware for low vision and hearing impairment

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    Instructional based on coursewares’ interface face serious usability problem due to ineffective design towards content delivery.With restrictions in the interface design for diverse users, the conventional teaching and learning approaches requires people with disability to struggle more compared to their nondisabled counterpart learners.Meanwhile, the pedagogical applications that are specifically designed for the universality are highly scarce.This could be seen when most of the existing content applications thatavailable in the market are designed for particular target user.This study presents an ongoing project, with the main objective to develop an instructional interface design principles in an attempt to cater for the needs of low vision and hearing impairment learners in their learning activities; called Courseware for Low Vision and Hearing Impairment (C4LVHI).Thus, to achieve the main objectives, this study comes up with specific objectives, which are: to determine the appropriate instructional interface elements and design principles of courseware design for low vision and hearing impairment learning.This could be as guidance for the developer or anyone who intend to develop courseware for low vision and hearing impairment.The recommended future works is to investigate the user experience of using C4LVHI among the low vision and hearing impairment learners in Learning Centres.The target participant would be low vision, hearing impaired and non-impaired learners from tertiary level

    Malaysia homestay industry on perspectives of roles, issues, challenges and advertising use: A preliminary study in Kedah homestay

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    Malaysia Homestay Industry plays an important role in helping Malaysia government to continue to sustain even to increase the country’s economy. Even though this industry brings a great value, but there are many issues and challenges exist that can affect the economy sustainability. In order to prove that the raising issues and challenges exist, this paper will presents investigation which is involve two preliminary studies that were conducted in Kedah Homestay Industry.These preliminary studies also investigated the issue of advertising use among homestay operators.This advertising issue is important to be studied in helping homestay industry’s brand remains relevant to confront with the issue of competition.In Malaysia, advertising through various media is becoming increasingly important and it promises a good benefit for homestay operators in term of advertising and promotion. Using both traditional and social media advertising, homestay operators can spread homestay advertisement over the world

    Social media for business: Knowledge gathering through focus group session with business owners

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    Despite its overwhelming popularity and widely recognized in business, studies on the trends and impact of social media in Malaysia, have yet to be widely recorded and published. As such, this study attempts to ascertain the usage of social media (SM) in business environment.Specifically, it aims to determine the trends and perceived impact of social media for business purposes in Malaysia.In order to accomplish this, the study follows four phases of methodology which are content analysis of current literature, focus group with Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) on perceptions of users on the use of social media for business purposes, data findings and conclusion.The target population in this study is social media users in Malaysia, company owners/ employers (top management level), managers, executives,and employees. Simple random sampling procedure is employed to get the sample for the survey

    Design of assistive video for hearing-impaired (AV4HI)

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    This paper reports on an initiative that assists hearing-impaired students and their teachers in the teaching and learning activities.Through a preliminary study, it was found that both hearing-impaired students and their teachers face many problems with the existing approach, including difficulties in acquire contents, high tendency of getting stressed, and high potential to miss the syllabus. Based on the identified problem, this study initiates an alternative approach, by introducing a type of specially-designed learning material for the hearing-impaired called Assistive Video for Hearing-impaired (AV4HI).User-centered Design (UCD) approach has been utilized in carrying out the study, in which both hearing impaired and their teachers were involved in the process of coming out with the design. Eventually, it was found that the hearing-impaired students enjoy the prototype very much, and expect to have the AV4HI in their teaching and learning activities

    Factors Affecting Teachers Attitude towards Implementing E-Learning in Jordan

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    This study examines to find out the factors that affect the attitude of teachers in the implementation of E-Learning in Jordanian secondary schools and also to find out the level of deployment of E-Learning facilities and resources in Jordanian secondary schools. As a preliminary study, literature was reviewed and the finding showed that even though several attempts were made to the deployment of E-Learning into the Jordanian secondary schools, it has met resistance from the teachers whose attitude were hindering the success of implementing E-Learning in Jordanian schools. Among the factors responsible for the teachers’ attitude was lack of competence with use of the E-Learning platform which in turn stabbed their confidence in using the E-Learning and also cultural influences as Muslim women are not allowed to have a one on one interaction with the male lecturers as modesty is enjoyed upon each other by Muslims. The capital expenditure by the Jordanian Government in incorporating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in secondary school education has not started to yield positive results

    Assistive contents for hearing-impaired people

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    This paper reports an ongoing study on designing a learning content for hearing-impaired people. Since teaching hearing-impaired people orally is too burdening, both the teachers and students, an alternative has to be provided. Hence, the idea of providing contents in electronic means came into consideration.It is useful, because the hearing-impaired students could utilize the contents on their own pace.Understanding their limitations, this study attempts to gather the preferences by the hearing-impaired people.Hence, a series of interviews were conducted, assisted by a sign language interpreter.Based on the findings from the interviews, the contents were story-boarded. It was used for gathering feedback from the users. When the most preferred layout was determined, the content was developed, and tested with the users. It was found that the proposed requirements are able to make hearing-impaired happy to learn with the material, which is called Assistive Content for Hearing-impaired (AC4HI) people

    Validating an integrated multimedia presentation conceptual model through expert reviews

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    This paper discusses the validating procedures of the proposed Integrated Multimedia Presentation Conceptual Model (IMPCM) through expert reviews. Proposed IMPCM has been assigned for expert reviews in order to validate the model.Hence, concept and definition of proposed IMPCM is described. Expert reviews methods and a procedure involved in this study is outlined in detail.Findings of the expert reviews is gathered and illustrated in order to improve and amend the existing IMPCM.Finally, IMPCM has been modified according to the feedbacks from the expert reviewers. This study concludes that the validation procedure using expert reviews is successful in improving the proposed IMPCM

    The effect of 3D realism and meaning making: A conceptual model

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    Field studies show that computer graphics, as in this case the 3D model of a heritage building, are only iconic representations rich perceived differently by individuals. Still, there is lack of evidence on how realistic 3D in contributes to the meaning making process.This article discusses on the proposed conceptual model for 3D realism towards meaning-making.It elaborates on principles of realism and 3D realism, meaning-making theories and processes and related works in the area.Based on four elements of 3D realism, it attempts to identify possible relationship with meaning making.The research methodology is outlined to achieve the intended research outcomes.The findings of this study would contribute to understanding of the ability to learning via 3D content